Born in 1965 in Rabat, Hassan Boukhari is a painter, sculptor and decorator. His studies are aimed at teaching physical education. His first exhibition takes place in Rabat in 1988. He then continued to exhibit in several cities in Morocco and Europe. He lives and works in Rabat. Born in 1965 in Rabat, Hassan Boukhari was a long time teacher of Visual Arts before dedicating himself exclusively to painting. He trained in Visual Arts in Belgium and his first exhibition dates back to 1987. His work is figurative and even hyperrealistic, he draws his subjects in the tradition and Moroccan culture. A delicate and meticulous work. He regularly exhibits in Morocco and abroad and his works are part of public and private collections.
Beyond the forms that the artist paints and which have their origin in the traditional Moroccan heritage, it reveals the relevance of a look of such acuity that it leaves nothing to escape from the light effects, nor the play of shades of colored greys, without grasping them and casting the chromatic spell they deserve.